Commitment to Service
Supporting instructors by helping to build a teaching environment
that meets their unique organizational needs.
Before your classes begin:
Integrate with your learning management system (LMS) for easy access
Perceivant supports standards-based integration with hundreds of third-party publishers and software providers
Our Implementation Managers set up your course for you—ready for you and your students to use on the first day of class
Perceivant has editorial expertise and tools that enable you to easily customize courses and content
Make nearly instant updates for minor content edits
Assistance and guidance on course structure provides the best experience for students
Training and Course Management
Perceivant’s Implementation Managers are available not only for your questions but to provide best practices for the success of your class
Throughout the semester:
Online course materials are available to students on the first day of class
Students purchase the course direct from Perceivant via online payment module, or purchase from their campus bookstores via an access key
Perceivant provides 24-hour support for students and instructors
Our support staff’s 98% satisfaction rating and 2-hour average first reply rate means you get a real reply from a real person within about an hour
Online help documentation shows you how to use the various features
Ongoing Course Training, Customization, and Management
Perceivant continues working with you and your students all the way through finals
Interested in learning more?
Contact us for an in-depth demonstration.
We guarantee you'll love it!